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Appetizers at Mesa Street Grill #food jalapenos wrapped in bacon, jumbo shrimp, calamari.

0.947 Miles Map- Appetizers at Mesa Street Grill #food jalapenos wrapped in bacon, jumbo shrimp, calamari. Excellent. [+]

OpenNote: Chocolate cake with ice cream at Anson 11 #food

1.228 Miles Map- OpenNote: Chocolate cake with ice cream at Anson 11 #food [+]

Cheddar stuffed sliders at Top Golf  #food

2.93 Miles Map- Cheddar stuffed sliders at Top Golf #food [+]

Block Table Tap Brunch burger with an egg #food

1.509 Miles Map- Block Table Tap Brunch burger with an egg #food [+]

The view from the patio at Coffee Box. Iced tea mango $2.70. #Food

1.157 Miles Map- The view from the patio at Coffee Box. Iced tea mango $2.70. #Food [+]

Nutella Crepe at Kinley’s $4.11 2019 #food

0 Miles Map- Nutella Crepe at Kinley’s $4.11 2019 #food [+]

Caldo de res at Corralitos El Paso #food

8.295 Miles Map- Caldo de res at Corralitos El Paso #food [+]

Two types of brisket for $15 #food at state line

4.317 Miles Map- Two types of brisket for $15 #food at state line [+]

OpenNote: Shrimp quesadillas El Paso at Corralitos. #food stuffed with cheese and shrimp.

8.295 Miles Map- OpenNote: Shrimp quesadillas El Paso at Corralitos. #food stuffed with cheese and shrimp. [+]

OpenNote: Chocolate layer cake at Stonewood. Liquid chocolate poured on top of the ice cre

2.622 Miles Map- OpenNote: Chocolate layer cake at Stonewood. Liquid chocolate poured on top of the ice cream layer. $7 #food [+]

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