Showing nearby photos within 1 mile.
1.185 Miles - Piazza Navona ...Read more
1.158 Miles - Piazza Navano ...Read more
0.07 Miles - A view of the arch of constantine from the colosseum ...Read more
1.247 Miles - Omelette at continental breakfast at Hotel Raphael. Crepes are also served. Cappuccino #food ...Read more
1.291 Miles - Rosamunda’s Pizzeria ...Read more
0.822 Miles - Via Corzo Church. Chiesa di San Marcello al Corso ...Read more
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M19.607835104927,28.694762118811 19.712310366118,32.93012655428 168.36294346075,89.707931220896 10.282598095338,26.332297906088 5.5118760544028,23.080348646547 90.260222656912,34.429626435736