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Vizcaya Gardens
Vizcaya Gardens [+] Original photo above and nine photos below within one mile.
Vizcaya Museum by the water
Vizcaya Museum by the water [+]
Mercy Hospital Park by the water
Mercy Hospital Park by the water [+]
Fountain Garden Vizcaya Museum edge of the property
Fountain Garden Vizcaya Museum edge of the property [+]
Vizcaya Museum Entrance
Vizcaya Museum Entrance [+]
Vizcaya House Entrance Statues
Vizcaya House Entrance Statues [+]
Vizcaya Garden Room with a View, architect Diego Suarez
Vizcaya Garden Room with a View, architect Diego Suarez [+]
Vizcaya Gardens
Vizcaya Gardens [+]
Vizcaya [+]
Vizcaya Museum Biscayne Bay
Vizcaya Museum Biscayne Bay [+]

Shows nine photos near a location.