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The front of the Hotel National des Invalides. Admission is part of the Paris Museum Pass.
The front of the Hotel National des Invalides. Admission is part of the Paris Museum Pass. Relics from the French army history are stored in [+] Original photo above and nine photos below within one mile.
Eiffel Tower at night from the Champs de Mars to the south
Eiffel Tower at night from the Champs de Mars to the south [+]
Sea bass at L’orangerie #food
Sea bass at L’orangerie #food [+]
Napoleon Bonaparte's Tomb is at the lower level and the upper level has an altar with
Napoleon Bonaparte's Tomb is at the lower level and the upper level has an altar with the cross. The lower level has the Napoleonic Code [+]
 There are several nice cafes near the Eiffel Tower and the neighborhood has a great selec
There are several nice cafes near the Eiffel Tower and the neighborhood has a great selection of restaurants. [+]
A moat around the Tomb of Napoleon. Paris, France.
A moat around the Tomb of Napoleon. Paris, France. [+]
The view from the Eiffel Tower of the Champ de Mar. At the end of the Champ de Mar is the
The view from the Eiffel Tower of the Champ de Mar. At the end of the Champ de Mar is the Ecole Militaire. Ecole Militaire is also the name [+]
Musee Rodin outdoor statues hands covering his head
Musee Rodin outdoor statues hands covering his head [+]
A view from the Eiffel Tower looking north at the Jardins du Trocadero and the Pallais de
A view from the Eiffel Tower looking north at the Jardins du Trocadero and the Pallais de Chaillot. Behind the Pallais de Chaillot is Trocad [+]
Cappuccino at Four Seasons George V bar #food
Cappuccino at Four Seasons George V bar #food [+]

Shows nine photos near a location.